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JK Radtke
The Facts
Location: Sacramento, California
Occupation: Amatuer Film Critic / Professional Meat Cutter
Interests: Writing, Film, Drawing, and Ideas
Total Reviews: 10
Average Rating: 3.30 stars
Reviews read: 29,657 times.

I am on a personal mission to erase that condesending line of pompous intellectualism running rampid in film reviews these days (in both print, video, and digital form); that's why I am out to show movie fans that there is someone out there talking about movies the way they do.

Sure, the Eberts are great and all, but the regular Joe doesn't see movies like they do. They don't want to pay damn near ten bucks to see a flick because it has excellent cinematography and a superb cast ... they just want to see stuff that is more than a movie, but rather an experience. Good or bad, that's what I try and bring to the reviews I write.

Top 10 Favorite Movies

1. Braveheart
2. Black Christmas
3. Clerks
4. Big Trouble in Little China
5. Young Guns
7. Body Slam
8. Super Troopers
9. Tango & Cash
10. Kung Pao: Enter the Fist

Top 10 Least Favorite Movies

1. Secret Window
2. The Scorpion King
3. Jurassic Park
4. The Life of David Gale
5. Beyond Borders
6. In Dreams
7. House of the Dead
8. Identity
9. Black Cadillac
10. Chicago Reviews List
Black Christmas (1974)
Crumb (1994)
Super Troopers (2001)
American Nightmare (2002)
Wisegirls (2002)
Bubba Ho-tep (2002)
Hatred of a Minute (2002)
Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
Secret Window (2004)
Hellboy (2004)

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