The Movie-Gurus Way
The Movie Gurus of are a cooperative group of Film lovers sprinkled around the world. This site is a labour of love. The staff
screens Theatrical feature length films (usually an hour or more in length although we have made a few exceptions) in theaters and at Film Festivals.
We also review DvD's. Unlike other sites, our reviews are usally an in-depth analysis of the film, and offer a rating against a carefully considered
5 star (with halves) scale.
We offer one review per film, using the Magazine or Newspaper model. Our critics decide which films they want to review based on
the availability of material, and their level of interest.
We are currently enhancing, and will be adding additional features to the site including a membership system which will
offer a lot more options for you to interact with the site, and add your own opinions and ratings. We've recently added
an RSS 2.0 feed of our latest reviews and would be very pleased to have you syndicate us on your website or homepage.
Our RSS 2.0 Latest Review Feed
RSS provides a way for you to pull consolidate news and information from many sources quickly and easily. There are many Newreaders to choose from. More information about RSS/RDF news readers
can be found via these links:
Additionally there is quite a list of Readers you can link to from the DMOZ open source directory listing: DMOZ News Reader List
We provide an RSS 2.0 feed which can be accessed by clicking on this button:
There are many tools that will allow you to include our list of recent reviews on your website. If you use a contenet management system (CMS) like
PHP-Nuke, try out the the rss block feature. Other CMS systems have similar modules and blocks that allow you to configure your site to pull
.RSS information and display it in an area of your site, usually requiring nothing more than the URL of the feed (See xml button above).
If you have a website that supports PHP you can find many tool sets and class libraries that will let you integrate RSS information into your
site. One of the better known RSS classes is Magpie RSS. There are many others (some simpler to use)
listed at freshmeat.
If you only have an html website there are a number of javascript tools and free services that will pull the feed into a javascript
block. One such service can be found here: JavaScript RSS-Box Viewer 0.9b.
Use the form to configure the size and colors of your block, then copy the javascript from the edit box into your html page at the location
where you want the latest review list to appear.
Links to or from & Sponsorship
If you would like to link to us, or provide a button on your site that links back to us, we would be pleased to have you
use this 120x60 pixel button.

If you want to link to you, you can use this form to submit your link.
Sites of general interest to movie and DvD lovers are all acceptable, unless your site has no other purpose other than to sell
a product. If you would like to advertise a product or service on the site, or sponsor Movie-Gurus, send us an email to [email protected].