The Lady Killers 1955 - Not Rated - 97 Mins.
Director: Alexander Mackendrick | Producer: William Rose | Written By: William Rose | Starring: Alec Guinness, Cecil Parker, Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Danny Green, Katie Johnson |
Review by: John Ulmer |
London, 1955. Professor Marcus (Alex Guinness) plans to rob two armored cars with the help of a gang of crooks [played by an ensemble group of actors, including: Louis (Herbert Lom), The Mayor (Cecil Parker), One-Round (Danny Green) and Harry (Peter Sellers).] None of the men have previously met each other; they've united only for this heist.
Their planning takes place in the upstairs of a Victorian home owned by Mrs. Wilberforce (Katie Johnson), a somewhat eccentric older woman who is under the impression that Professor Marcus and his "friends" are part of a music orchestra and convene daily to rehearse. This leads to a film of misconceptions, confusion, and bumbling antics as the Professor has to spend more of his time keeping Mrs. Wilberforce off their backs than devoting it to planning the robbery.
Danny DeVito's 2003 movie "Duplex" bears some resemblance, especialy in scenes where Mrs. Wilberforce continuously interrupts the criminals' scheming, asking them to run errands for her. They reluctantly put up with her constant irritating questions and demands since she is unknowingly a vital ingredient of their plan. They must use Mrs. Wilberforce in their robbery.
When she realizes this, she eventually demands that they return the money. The crooks come to the conclusion that they must kill the old woman or else risk losing their fortune. But their constant mistakes and arguments only postpone the inevitable, and it soon seems that the group of tough guys aren't so tough after all. "I can't! I can't!" screams one of the criminals when he pulls the shortest toothpick and is handed the task of "whacking" the poor sweet lady.
All actors are at their peaks here -- Guinness as the Professor is superb, but Sellers in his screen debut is especially noteworthy. The script by William Rose relies on macabre humor rather than constant slapstick. Admittedly, I expected the former when I sat down to see the film, although I came away rather surprised at its sophistication.
The Coen Brothers remade the film in 2004 with Tom Hanks, although the remake failed to capture the essence of this dark comedy. Made before political correctness, this is a delightfully irreverent black comedy. To be fair, most of the jokes don't hold up as well nowadays. It does not deliver a constant barrage of jokes, but rather a steady mix of black humor and plot. And it's a very good plot, too; one that keeps our interest and quite often manages to make us smile. "The Ladykillers" is a rare treat, better than the remake, a classic of the genre, and something that will be remembered years from now. It's a real gem of a movie, hard to devote long paragraphs to, much easier to devote 100 minutes of your life to.