Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 2005 - R - 83 Mins.
Director: Mike Bigelow | Producer: Adam Sandler | Written By: Rob Schneider, David Garrett, Jason Ward | Starring: Rob Schneider, Eddie Griffin, Hanna Verboom, Til Schweiger, Norm Macdonald |
Review by: Joe Rickey |
Official Site: www.sonypictures.com/movies/deucebigaloweuropeangigolo/index.html |
 That suit is kickin' part 2.
Europe has taken its fair share of verbal lampooning in the last few years of cinema. The 2004 teen comedy 'Eurotrip' was basically a 100 minute joke about European stereotypes. Well, another film enters into this sub-genre with 'Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo' starring Rob Schneider and Eddie Griffin in the sequel to the surprise hit from 1999, 'Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo.' The film is directed by the questionably named Mike Bigelow.
The story is an attempt at adding an element of mystery (if you can call it that) to a comedic franchise. This time Deuce, now single after his wife from the first film passed away (seeing the original isn't totally necessary but highly recommended nonetheless), heads to Amsterdam to help clear T.J. (Griffin) of murder. It seems that all the European gigolos are being killed off one by one by an unknown assailant and T.J. has been framed. There's a good likelihood that the murderer is a she-john (female hooker/prostitute) bent on eliminating the competition. This requires Deuce to resume his duties as a man-whore and find the killer before anyone else dies. Nonstop low-brow humor (this film just might be the crudest film I've ever seen) ensues.
'Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo' is a sporadically funny lark of a film. While the first one was consistent in its mission to induce laughs, the sequel is more hit and miss. The film starts off with anything but a bang. The first 25-30 minutes of the film are mostly humorless aside from a few throwaway gags that work almost in spite of themselves. The crude humor here is just that, crude but painfully unfunny at the same time. As the film lumbers through its first paces, one begins to wonder when the film will get to the bread and butter of the series: Deuce's dates with women who always seem to have some debilitating disorder or another and how he helps them overcome said issues.
Thankfully, once the film gets to the dates it becomes raucously hilarious in its own especially vulgar way. Basically every joke has to do with one bodily fluid or another but the film utilizes them to garner laughs while simultaneously leaving the viewer thinking "They didn't just do that, did they?" Needless to say, the film pushes the boundaries of the R-rating, leaving other recent R-rated comedies like 'Wedding Crashers' in the dust as far as lewdness is concerned.
The film also benefits from its creative use of sets as more often than not, humor will come from someone or something in the background when you least expect it. A particularly riotous scene involves a yarn-chasing cat and leaves Eddie Griffin's T.J. in a world of indescribable pain.
In the lead, Rob Schneider once again steps into the character of Deuce Bigalow like Deuce is his real-life alter ego. He fits the role like the perfect shoe fits one's foot. Lending support once again as his pimp is Eddie Griffin. The versatile comedian brings the perfect sense of attitude and mischief to the role along with retaining dynamic rapport with Schneider even after not having played alongside him for more than half a decade. Also making an impression as Schneider's requisite love interest is the stunningly beautiful Hanna Verboom. She is surprisingly deft at physical comedy and shares chemistry with the actor.
If you can weather the beginning portion of 'Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo,' you will discover a film that is oftentimes hilariously over the top.