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Urban Cowboy (1980)

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Re: Urban Cowboy (1980)
Added by Jim BOBO Richardson (email) on 2004-09-07 18:26:31

While I respect your right to criticize, I must inform you that the entire movie wa sbased upon an era of time where country music was a true part of the dance phase. Being a rodeo person and living in the area, I assure you that while all america was not country music crazy. It, too was a way of life. And honestly was somewhat factual of the many peoples lives just as there were eras of times and still are today about "Sweat Hogs" (misfits) in schools. 25 years later the music of Urban Cowboy and the movie itself still reflects an era and a true way of life. Even though it may not be to your standards, it does consist of true, american people who respect others. Thank you for your time and best wishes always in all ways. JBR

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