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American Beauty (1999)

Visitor Comments

Re: American Beauty (1999)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-04-03 17:31:14

I agree with most of this review. The film was done very well but there's something that didn't exactly "click" with me and I found the second half of the movie pretty weird. I guess that's the point, but...

I love this film
Added by Orlando Inagas (email) on 2004-11-26 15:54:13

No estoy del todo de acuerdo con John. Me impresion� la fotograf�a y la narrativa de la pel�cula, as� como la manera en que refleja muchas realidades de nuestra actualidad. Claro, es pesimista pensar que todas las familias sean as�, pero sin duda muestra los oscuros aspectos de nuestra sociedad

Re: American Beauty (1999)
Added by Pedro   on 2004-12-14 16:07:00

�C�mo puede usted decirlo es una pintura �spera de nuestra sociedad si usted incluso no habla ingl�s?

Do you talk too?
Added by Orlando Inagas (email) on 2005-02-21 13:07:19

Hey Peter. Now we are living worldwide country, where there are less frontiers and the barriers of the language have been tear down.
Do you need to go to Pakistan to see his way of life? I don't think so, now we have many methods to know it, still without need to go out of house. On purpose, do you talk English? Greetings my brother!

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