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The Telephone (1988)

Visitor Comments

Re: Telephone, The (1988)
Added by Justin K (email) on 2004-07-07 01:25:34

While I agree that this film is too lengthy for its very simple premise (and yes, sometimes monotonous), I think that it does make a valid statement about isolation and depression. I never got the impression from watching the movie that it was supposed to be totally comic. It seemed that there was a message of just how removed someone can become when they have a bad turn of events in life. (In the case of this movie, the premise is that she is out-of-work - and out of money -and we also learn she can't get over her ex-lover.)

No, it's not an easy movie to watch. But not every movie has to have that one quality in order to be a quality movie.

Re: Telephone, The (1988)
Added by Jake   on 2004-07-10 01:54:25

This is true--I'm the guy who fell in love with 'Solaris,' after all, which is largely considered to be a film of excruciating slowness. (And 'Natural Born Killers,' for that matter, which is violent and frenetic enough to cause a migraine, if you don't like it.) "Easy to watch" does not automatically equal quality.

But there are movies that make you uncomfortable by dealing with uncomfortable stuff, and movies that make you uncomfortable through sheer awkward falseness. Not a moment in 'The Telephone' rang true for me (oh good God, pun not intended), which didn't help the jokes any but *really* killed the "serious" moments. I was never unaware that Goldberg wasn't standing on a movie set, holding a dead prop phone in her hand, reciting clunky expository dialogue written by other people. She didn't seem very convinced herself. Since I own this on DVD (!!!!), I'll probably see it out of morbid curiosity again someday. Until then I will always shudder inside when it floats to the surface of my memory.

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