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My Fair Lady (1964)

Visitor Comments

Re: My Fair Lady (1964)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-13 17:58:33

It's sad how far the level of film quality and appreciation has dropped in forty years. Recently a comprised list in the UK (voted by the people) had Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Musical as twelfth best of all time -- beating out Singin' in the Rain and My Fair Lady by some twenty ranks.

How sad.

Great review, Bill. This, "Grease" and "Singin' in the Rain" (don't forget Little Shop of Horrors 1986!) are, IMHO, the best musicals of all time. I never cared for Rocky Horror Picture Show. There are some other good ones, but I've always loved "My Fair Lady."

Re: My Fair Lady (1964)
Added by Bill King   on 2004-03-15 12:05:45

I've never heard of Buffy the Musical. A shame that it would outrank My Fair Lady, though. I bought the new DVD for the movie, which includes Audrey Hepburn's original vocals for two of the songs. I'm convinced that she should not have been dubbed over. (The dubbing cost her an Oscar nomination.) Marni Nixon's vocals are sometimes too perfect. Hepburn was a little more rough around the edges, but that's the way it should be. She's just learning to speak properly, afterall.

I like Rocky Horror, but it drags in the middle, so it's not a movie I rush out to see. It played at a theater once a month at my former residence, but it started at 11:00 pm. I was always too tired to go see it.

Re: My Fair Lady (1964)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-16 17:57:37

I had never heard of Buffy, either. I'm watching this program, and the first half has all these good titles, and then all of a sudden the end draws near and weird things start popping up...and Grease eventually got number one. I actually like Grease the most out of all musicals, but technically it's not the best. I'd probably say Singin' in the Rain or My Fair Lady are.

I'm going to look for this new DVD. I held out on the original because its special features were dismal.

Added by Chad (email, web) on 2005-10-05 09:54:11

This movie i realy didnt like case it just wasnt what i suspected what i suspected was a nice good movie but this was a boring movie.

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