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The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Added by jason (email) on 2003-11-10 09:45:12

i cant believe the negative reviews i have been reading. I loved Revolutions..i think its way better than Reloaded. Viewers have to understand that part 2 and part3 is actually one whole movie whose running time is too long for people to wanna sit down and watch.To understand revolutions you have to watch reloaded.
i believe that the directors and the producers out did themselves in making part 3. I loved the cgi's, the action..fight scenes...everything.Revolutions was cant wait to buy it when it comes out on dvd

Re: Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2003-11-11 15:24:27

People don't like them because they're too long to sit through? No, it's because the sequels suck. So much hype leading up to stupid metaphorical Biblical comparisons that take too long and are extremely shallow. They're also comprised of cheesy, shallow, long speeches that lead up to important scenes rushed through to get to the long-awaited action. But they focus on all the meaningless parts.

Too long to sit through? "Once Upon a Time in America" is four hours long in its extended cut. "The Godfather" is some three hours long.

The difference is that they're good movies.

Re: Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Added by david   on 2003-11-11 18:02:35

i dont know how in the hell you can like this movie

Re: Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Added by jason   on 2003-11-18 09:20:31

fo sho moe

Re: Matrix Revolutions, The (2003)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-03-10 18:22:03

This was one of the worst closings of a trilogy I have ever seen. Not the stupidest flick of the year, but definitely one of the cheesiest. I felt ripped off for even following the plot. And worst of all, there was nothing spectacular in the third one. What a gip!

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