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Impostor (2002)

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Re: Impostor (2002)
Added by Gizmola (email, web) on 2003-12-27 00:07:58

I haven't seen this film, but I did want to address one point that was brought up, and that was the quality (or lack thereof suggested by the review) of Scott Rosenberg's writing. One of the reason's he has worked on so many projects is that it is well known that Scott is a very talented and capable writer. I went to film school with him and Gary Fleder, and I doubt there is any other alum of our generation who has been more successful in fact. He wrote Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead and Beautiful Girls, which are both in my opinion superb scripts.

You might also note that Fleder is reuniting on this project with the friend who helped launch his career as a director. As noted, this project was somewhat of an unplanned mess... where the original work apparently exceeded it's initial design.

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