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In the Cut (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: In the Cut (2003)
Added by Linda Young (email) on 2003-11-01 22:51:08

This review is a subtle positive commentary on this movie which I think has little redeeming value. It appears as if Meg Ryan was put upon by her Agent to take a bold role, to break out of her pollyanna characters; however, this is the worst casting since Tom Hanks in Bonfire of the Vanities. What was Jane Campion trying to achieve with this film?

Re: In the Cut (2003)
Added by Sallie Mullinger (email) on 2003-11-02 01:11:47

My first clue that this movie wasnt worth the $9 I paid to see it, should have been the half dozen or so people who got up and walked out merely 45 minutes into it.....If Meg Ryan needed a breakout role...sorry..this wasnt it...I know she was supposed to look "school-marmish" but she looked worse than that and with the exception of the actor who played Malloy, so did everyone else in this be honest, I read that the sex scenes were some of the hottest on film (they werent) and that was one of the drawing cards for me to see it, along with the promise of a good suspense, murder story.....unfortunately, neither panned out......Meg Ryan should stick to what she does best...and forget showing T&A..on just didnt work

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