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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Added by Esteban   on 2004-03-18 00:05:41

4.5 out of 5??... For this less than stellar remake? TCM '03 was just another example of the 'teen' style horror films that true horror fans have come to despise.

Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-03-23 00:57:05

I disagree. It avoids the self-referential style that became so popular after Scream and instead focuses on delivering pure, unadulterated terror with some of the best cinematography seen in a horror film.

Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-05-31 08:14:36

I totally agree with Joe. I was blown away by this movie - I expected a silly nudity-filled WB-actors-and-actresses-packed silly horror film. Instead I got arguably one of the bloodiest films ever made, but also a very intense, well-made, enjoyable, thrilling, scary ride that - unlike some of the recent slasher flicks - doesn't use stupid gore as a primary attribute, but rather to its advantage. If you can stomach it, this remake is very good, and better than the original.

Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Added by Jake   on 2005-07-28 21:24:49

"Better than the original"? We must kung fu fight. The original is pretty much my favorite film ever, and this one sickened me to no end. I was never scared, just nauseous. In the original it was the characters that were sadistic and sociopathic; in this one, it was the movie.

Re: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Added by Jake   on 2005-07-28 21:29:47

P.S. I can't believe I just managed to use the phrase "we must kung fu fight" in a reply to John Ulmer about the remake of 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,' when I already did this at least a year ago replying to his comments about the original film. I totally did not remember this. The mind works in mysterious ways.

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