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Scarface (1983)

Visitor Comments

Re: Scarface (1983)
Added by Harry   on 2004-02-22 22:14:45

hey, five stars, go figure...

Re: Scarface (1983)
Added by John Ulmer (email) on 2004-02-23 16:07:00

Why do I have a feeling your real name is not Harry?

Five stars...hmm, two or three years ago I never used to give films five stars. I gave my absolute favorite films four stars.

But hey, other critics give out complete star ratings everywhere you turn, and as I became more a commercial-based critic I had to blend in--I couldn't keep underrating everything and being so conservative.

So I started rating classics against classics and modern movies against modern movies. Scarface, when compared against other classics, deserves five stars. It's an amazing movie.

Many people consider it one of the greatest films ever made. Perhaps a year or two ago I'd give it 3.5/5 stars or even 4/5 stars. But nowadays that's simply not a reality and I really don't care what anyone thinks, since most of my reviews on MG are my archive reviews, and most of my archive reviews are on great movies, therefore most of my reviews on MG are going to be five-star ratings.

If I were submitting all my new film reviews you'd find a lot more 2.5s and 3s.

Or you can check out my 1,103 film comments on IMDb and judge for yourself just how many five-star ratings I give out.

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