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RoboCop (1987)

Visitor Comments

Re: RoboCop (1987)
Added by Leonard Wilson   on 2004-03-03 14:41:53

You know you say in your Total Recall review that that movie and Basic Instinct were the only good movies Verhoeven directed and yet you give this movie a perfect grade! 1/2 star higher than Total Recall, the movie you labeled his best. I have seen you contradict yourself before, but this is ridiculous. You write like you are twelve years old too.

Re: RoboCop (1987)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-08 15:49:03

Thanks for your input, jerk.

Sometimes when you're writing you forget about movies. Obviously I forgot about RoboCop when I said that. Big deal. Sue me.

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