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Pumpkin (2002)

Visitor Comments

Re: Pumpkin (2002)
Added by Jake   on 2005-07-28 22:31:47

Yes! Someone else loved this movie! I've never seen anything work so hard or so thoroughly (or so wonderfully) to undermine its own sincerity at every moment. And that look back at the audience you mentioned is...perfect. How is it that I overlooked your reviews for so long?

(And if you're getting these in your email despite being a former staffer, my apologies. I'm passing the time at work by commenting on everything I can. Yay for me.)

Re: Pumpkin (2002)
Added by Marc Eastman   on 2005-08-21 00:55:09

Thanks again. I have a similar reaction. That is, in seeing that someone else liked this. On the other hand, I have no idea how you've missed my reviews for so long.

I've actually un-formered recently, and appreciate the comments.


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