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Cold Creek Manor (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Cold Creek Manor (2003)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-02-21 18:31:48

Cold Creek Manor is practically the definition of a generic thriller. There is not a single element that stands out. Heck, even Disney knew that it was generic so they tried to sell it as a supernatural thriller in the ads.

Re: Cold Creek Manor (2003)
Added by John Ulmer (email) on 2004-03-11 12:00:07

I wouldn't give this film one star (perhaps two) but I was certainly disappointed. It belongs in the straight-to-video rack of a local video store. It was marketed as a supernatural thriller and it's just a dumb movie about a murder mystery with a really bad villain and watered-down performances by Quaid and Stone.

What a disappointing movie.

stupid writing
Added by diane (email, web) on 2005-01-16 16:27:21

Someone please explain to me why, after the pony was found in the pool, the first person blamed was the father??? Yah, I get that he was drunk and hit a deer on the way home, but this non-sensical leap to thinking a drunk accidentally hit the pony, then drug it to the pool and threw it in, is writing and directing at its worst. I laughed, but was also amazed at the stupidity of it all, not to mention the screaming hysterics as the family flees to the roof to escape the snakes. Poor, very poor. And, while I'm venting, I have to comment on the dialogue as Quaid pulls Stone from the Devil's throat. (Stone) "Honey, that guy that pushed me down here is still around. Did you hear me??? He's still out there, probably right behind you right now as you're leaning over this hole!" (Quaid) "Don't worry about that right now!"
Don't worry about that right now???? Who wrote this slop? Oh, yah. richard jefferies

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