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Audition (2000)

Visitor Comments

Re: Audition (2000)
Added by Gizmola (email, web) on 2003-12-17 17:00:23

Audition is a certainly a memorable film, but not deserving of 5 stars. In hindsight I couldn't help but think that it tips its hand far too early, and would have been a leaner and more powerful film had it made less of an effort to remove the ambiguity of the unexplained discrepancies in Asami's resume. In particular the early stages of the final act abandon almost all linear progression, and degenerate into a series of nightmarish vignettes. The film loses momentum exactly when it should be ratcheting up the suspense, and abandons Shigeharu's point of view, exactly when it should be holding it the tightest.

From my understanding Audition was intended to be an indictment of traditional Japanese society, which Miike and the Tengan see as systematically paternalistic, abusive of, and denigrating to women.

There is no denying the conclusion is one of the most powerful set pieces in modern cinema. It's a shame that the preceeding section is so hopelessly disjointed, so that when the shocking surprises of the conclusion unfold the audience might not already be expecting them. Had the film done a bit less to explain Asami, it's true intentions might be better supported in allowing the audience to puzzle on what caused things to go so terribly wrong.

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