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The Godfather Part III (1990)

Visitor Comments

Re: Godfather Part III, The (1990)
Added by Sean (email) on 2004-07-12 15:47:59

OK, first of all, I am a huge GF fan so I am happy that you gave Part III, a usually panned movie, a good review.

However, there are some glaring errors I noticed. Duvall wasn't in part III because they wouldn't pay him what he wanted. As for the rumor you posted about the script focusing on Pacino too much, come on this is the Godfather!!! It isn't about SpongeBob Square Pants!!! It's about the rise and fall of Michael Corleone. That one's forgivable, since it's only a rumor you've reference - but you should know better!

This one is unforgiveable - Vincent is Sonny's illegitimate child with Lucy Mancini, the woman that Sonny is nailing against the door in Part I, not Fredo's. They mention it through out the movie that this is Sonny's kid, he's got the temper, the lust for women, etc...

Other than that - pretty good review.

Re: Godfather Part III, The (1990)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-08-10 11:58:25

Sorry - saying he was Fredo's son was a typo.

As for the whole Duvall thing...I have a feeling him backing out because of payment might be a rumor, too. I've never heard anyone confirm any of it.

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