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Cabin Fever (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Cabin Fever (2003)
Added by Harrison Cheung (email, web) on 2003-09-23 14:20:38

As a huge fan of horror movies, I was suckered in by the CABIN FEVER trailer and the flaunting of the Peter Jackson endorsement. CABIN FEVER had a lot of elements that could have made it a cult classic but it seemed to have lost its nerve. There's some great offbeat humor and that razor scene was wonderfully effective. But the rest of the movie didn't go far enough. I was disappointed.:(

Re: Cabin Fever (2003)
Added by Blake (email) on 2004-01-24 01:09:46

4 out of 5 have got to be kidding me. This was probably the worst flm I have seen to date. For those of you playing at home the worst was Wagons East with John Candy. Luckily I am only out the 4.00 rental fee instead of the money for a movie ticket. I understand it..dark comedy...funny...errrr not really. I will just watch Heathers. Movie Guru my ass.

Re: Cabin Fever (2003)
Added by Jake   on 2005-07-21 22:42:06

I wanted to like this quite badly, and parts of it were indeed terrific--about half of this was an incredibly unsettling horror movie that was still creeping me out days later. But why did the other half have to be so ridiculous? The movie just blows itself apart. Or so I thought, anyway--this is a cult movie if there ever was one, and quite a cult it is. I'm certainly curious to see Roth's next film; if he ever gets control over his storytelling, we'll all have a night to remember. Good review, & don't let the hatazzz g3t all up in yo sHizZy.

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