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Interstate 60 (2002)

Visitor Comments

Re: Interstate 60 (2002)
Added by John (email) on 2003-09-13 22:18:15

Thanks for a review of a film that many have not heard of. I will definitely seek it out.

Re: Interstate 60 (2002)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2003-09-14 12:58:13

Thanks for your comment. This is a very hard film to find but it will be coming out on DVD in October, I recommend anyone who has the means purhase it as it is really an overlooked gem.

Re: Interstate 60 (2002)
Added by Matt Smith (email) on 2003-12-21 03:34:04

Awesome review, couldn't have said it better myself. This is no doubt on my top 10 movies of all time, and I'm not kidding. Something about it just stayed with me after seeing it. I've watched it many times since then and it only gets better. I do agree about all the swearing, it just wasn't needed for the story to work. But other than that, it's an outstanding film.

Re: Interstate 60 (2002)
Added by phil (philo) krnotch (email) on 2012-10-27 17:55:25

good review...and accurate for the most part. but its Missouri not Louisiana.
This film has stayed with me for a long time. Though the cussing gets to me everytime, I think its there to prove a point. A nomad Leprechaun Indian gives you the choice. the sex scene is as important as the drugs, jail, and fork in the road.
This is a film that should be on your shelf for a good movie to watch anytime. Feel good, thought provoking, and good acting...also by the creator of back to the future....123

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