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Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

Visitor Comments

2.5 Gimme us a break!
Added by Edward G. Mathenz (email) on 2004-12-25 10:36:30

I liked this movie far more than I liked tha first one, apart from the dialogue between brother and sister in in the first 7 minutes and the final scene the first was a patchwork quilt of ideas slayed of the backs of numerous other movies. (pun intended)
This second carnation despite its numerous logical inconsistencies, and inexperienced cast, (I'll give you that much), offers us a geninely new perspective on the way creature horror is handled, as a thinking motivated entity, with whom the cast interact on a quasi-one-on-one level. The flying creature's visual concept and the wings were also an excellent graphic idea they really made the movie for me. (not the close-ups though, there was way too much creature face-time for my tastes, personally I think it lessened the horror ) But all in all it was great entertainment, well paced and the tension was maintained excellently.
Salva does however stretch artistic license to new lengths case in point- what was with the scene for them fighting to open the doors when they wanted to get out of the bus?,
Kick out the windshield for chrissakes or jump out an f-ing window, I'm sure everyone thought that the final 23 -years-later scene rankled bigtime Couldnt they at least have chopped it up, we saw it grow a new head remember we would have still belived it would be comming back a-la- (dare I say it?) john carpenters "The thing"_
nuff sed methinks

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