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Mickey Blue Eyes (1999)

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Re: Mickey Blue Eyes (1999)
Added by marc (email) on 2004-07-09 15:51:53

Ulmer, I must say I think Mickey Blue Eyes is a mediocre film, but I also think yours is also a mediocre review. The fact that I recently watched this flic entitles me to write this.
First you say that Mickey Blue Eyes was probably turned down by DeNiro and Pacino, but also you state that you are not sure. How so? Because you think you heard it on the grapevine? Because you don't remember your source (in which case a decent review would prefer to skip such an undocumented factoid)? Or simply because you are making it up to fill in the empty blank holes in your review?
It would be ok in you did it because of this last reason, at least you try to spice it up with some humor, but then later one, you seem lost in the review forgetting scenes and setting... are you sure you saw recently this movie if at all? For instance you mention how Michael�s soon to be father-in-law �owns a restaurant called "The Le" something-or-other (the joke is that "the" is French for "le," therefore it is the same as saying, "The the something-or-other." But this joke is stretched even to the end credits).� If you don�t remember the actual gag, don�t go ranting how good or bad it is!! What if you actually liked it but can�t remember? And not knowing that the title of the restaurant is in Italian� man are you trying to pass as cool by pretending that you can�t tell French from Italian? Because after all, this is a film presenting you stereotypical mobsters, now what language other than English do you think the name of restaurant owned by a cartoonish gangster should be? Hmmm, tough call�.
I�ll skip your continuous comparison between DeNiro and Caan, since I would only waste space as you did with it. Were you on an anti-Caan rampage when you wrote all that? So on to the finale.
Check your sources man! Memory usually makes a very poor one.

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