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POD People (1983)

Visitor Comments

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by barsafarce   on 2004-01-13 12:38:11

Dude, you totally ripped off all the mystery science theater jokes like they were your own.

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-01-27 16:03:13

The only thing I ripped off was the Smuckers jelly joke.

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by Harry   on 2004-02-22 22:14:28

quit ripping people off

develop your own style...

what a candyass

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by John Ulmer (email) on 2004-02-25 15:48:45

Okay "harry," even though you've completely ripped off all my reviews.

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-08 15:31:44

Someone signed that last post, dated 2-25, using my name. I didn't write that.

Get off of this site, Harry.

Re: POD People (1983)
Added by Josh   on 2004-06-13 00:46:39

The "we paid for [the RV], we're going to film it" joke, and the "great, now there's no way to get out of the film" are also from MST3K

get out of my yard
Added by harry (email, web) on 2005-02-01 16:51:58

Beware of Trumpy

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