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The Last House on the Left (1972)

Visitor Comments

Re: Last House on the Left, The (1972)
Added by Ian   on 2004-02-18 07:07:48

You just copied off of the other cynics of this grand horror film. Last House on the Left is an art film. Take for instance the dark beauty of the scene where Mari dies; it wouldn't have been in any other horror film. The happy music is to capture the pleasure the killers are taking out of capturing their prey. The scene where Mari breathed was originally a scene with her speaking part right before she died. You dumb fuck, this is the greatest and most artictic, raw and rewarding horror film ever made-

Re: Last House on the Left, The (1972)
Added by Bill King   on 2004-02-27 12:36:02

Hey, I acknowledge the raw terror that Craven projects here, and I said there were good things about it. As far as copying from other people, I did not read anyone else's material on this movie. Everything I wrote are from my own observations. I know all about Mari's scene where she was supposed to talk to her parents before she died. Craven cut that out, so that all we're *supposed* to see are her parents discovering her dead body. Craven didn't edit this scene effectively. What do we see on screen? Mari breathes and moves her neck, then her parents say she's dead. I can't critique dialogue or scenes that weren't in the movie.

You say the music is supposed to compliment the criminals state of mind. It was enough that they were laughing and obviously enjoying what they were doing, so the music wasn't necessary. Besides, none of it even sounded good, like it was composed by a rank amateur. (Yes, I'm well aware that David Hess composed it.)

I gave the film credit where it was due. For the record, I praised Craven's follow-up film "The Hills Have Eyes." I acknowledge its influence on modern horror.

Re: Last House on the Left, The (1972)
Added by Jake   on 2005-08-18 23:43:13

According to the commentary on the DVD, Craven himself got rid of that "breathing" scene entirely at some point, and is surprised to see it back in the movie. So even he thinks it was incompetently done. To which I can only add, ha.

Generally I agree with you, Bill (and good review, by the way!)--some of the music seems wildly inappropriate, and the technical roughness alternates between a) documentary-like and unsettling or b) distractingly bad. That said, it's very effective for very long stretches, and certainly does what it sets out to do. It's rare for a violent film to really take its violence seriously, and boy, does this one ever.

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