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Wilbur (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Wilbur (2003)
Added by Chris (email) on 2003-07-22 21:13:54

This isn't made in compliance with the Dogma principles, since it uses artificial lighting, music, stilted camera and props. You're confusing it with Scherfigs last movie Italian for beginners which was a Dogma movie. Or perhaps you just assume that everything from Denmark is Dogma?

Re: Wilbur (2003)
Added by judith menzel (email) on 2003-11-08 08:33:15

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Re: Wilbur (2003)
Added by judith menzel (email) on 2003-11-08 08:36:01

what a horribly pretending-to-be-human film!
the message that comes across to me is:
an egocentric, ignorant yet good-looking young man, who has always been everybody's darling (mother, father, women) gets everything in the end (love, the desired woman, dedicated daughter, the father's heritage and the admiration of the audience) whereas the altruistic self-denying brother is nice enough to get rid of himself before becoming too much of a disturbance. not enough that his own brother and his wife have betrayed him, no he even kills himself in the end on christmas night, saying that everybody is oh so nice to him....!?
my goodness, what rubbish!
and the lovely - yet overwhelmingly woman - does not need to talk much. what should she say anyway? "I'm too stupid to clean.", "I like being protected, if possible by two.", "I love you, but please go back to hospital because it could upset your lovely little brother who betrays you with me if we spent one of the last nights of your life together."???
sorry, but I don't quite get this kind of "affectionate" touch.

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