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Bully (2001)

Visitor Comments

Re: Bully (2001)
Added by carl   on 2003-12-14 03:20:19

I found this movie apalling. Larry Clark is nothing but a voyueristic freak and I would like to see him direct ONE film without involving a teen in a sexually frustrated/exotic situation. Bully's nudity does not coincide with with his depiction of the characters. Give me one good reason why Mr. Clark decided to randomly give us a shot of Bijou Phillips' crotch when she was sitting down! The man is sickening. He took a potentionally good script and drowned it in pornography. What a waste!

Re: Bully (2001)
Added by carl   on 2003-12-14 03:22:20

I wasnt trying to take away your review though, you made good points, except for the "Eroticism is not the point." i respect your opinion, but if eroticsm is not the point, why is it there? and why is it there the WHOLE movie? you do not need fifty scenes of sex to show how these teens are, one scene will get the point across. i was just very frustrated at this movie and i didnt want you to think i was bashing you, i was more bashing larry clark.

Re: Bully (2001)
Added by Bill King   on 2003-12-20 12:59:04

Although I haven't seen it, Larry Clark's "Another Day in Paradise" supposedly doesn't fit the mold of troubled teen youth.

There is a lot sex in this movie, but it isn't erotic in any way. "Bully" doesn't fit in the same category as "The Lover." It's comparable with anti-erotic movies like "Bad Lieutenant" or "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover."

I look at "Bully" as the sum of its parts. The crotch shot by itself is meaningless, but that shot coupled with every other form of decadence in this movie adds up to paint a complete portrait of troubled youth. Hope this clears things up.

Re: Bully (2001)
Added by carl   on 2003-12-20 23:07:36

i understood your points clearly, it is just a matter of opinion and i dont think this is a "complete portrait of troubled youth". yes it may portray troubled youth effectively in some areas, but clark went way, way, way, way overboard and you said yourself the crotch shot was meaningless; this was one of many shots/scenes i felt to be meaningless, not to mention immature

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