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Equilibrium (2002)

Visitor Comments

Re: Equilibrium (2002)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-05-28 17:32:23

I couldn't get into this movie. Amazing how the reviews were extremely negative and the word-of-mouth the film generated was superb. Audiences loved it (once it hit video - it bombed at the box office) but the critics seemed to hate it. I don't hate it but I felt it ripped off a lot of other films, most specifically The Matrix, but also Brazil and other movies.

Re: Equilibrium (2002)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-08 02:24:14

I enjoyed this George Orwell-lite film. The action sequences were sometimes stunning and the acting was decent enough considering the story perogative that everyone not show emotion.

Re: Equilibrium (2002)
Added by Eric   on 2004-08-24 12:26:50

One of the most derivative movies I've ever seen. Not an original thought at work.

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