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Get Shorty (1995)

Visitor Comments

Re: Get Shorty (1995)
Added by Brian Bennison (email) on 2003-06-21 13:22:39

My opinion of "Get Shorty" is that it is a finly acted, well laid out film with such a good insight into the movie business. John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Danny Devito and Renee Russo acted with flair and excitment. If only there were more films made like this and acted so finely.

Re: Get Shorty (1995)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2003-06-22 13:23:36


It's nice to finally get a comment where someone doesn't lash out at the reviewer. Thanks for your comment - I didn't love the film as much as you, but I respect your opinion more than someone who just comes and says I'm stupid because I don't like his or her favorite film.

John Ulmer

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