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Wrong Turn (2003)

Visitor Comments

Re: Wrong Turn (2003)
Added by pete (email) on 2003-10-12 01:52:09

This movie isn't as bad as you'd like everyone to believe. Ease up's just a stupid horror movie...don't critique it like it's a classic and you'll be on the right track.

Re: Wrong Turn (2003)
Added by Dan (email, web) on 2003-10-21 15:16:37

Wrong Turn is an exciting escape. No it wasn't deep on intellectually stimulating but it kept me on the edge of my seat.

Wrong Turn
Added by marejke (email) on 2006-05-01 05:02:22

Wow.. I think it isn't fair what you are talking there! I like the film (saw it yesterday) and if you dont like it say it - but dont make the film so bad that the others dont like see it!!
Really.. i think its a cool - maybe a bit unreal film.

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