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What About Bob? (1991)

Visitor Comments

Re: What About Bob? (1991)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-06-14 21:25:11

Bill Murray's wonderful performance makes this film a true comedic gem. He's able to garner laughs at each and every turn as the obsessive-compulsive Bob.

Re: What About Bob? (1991)
Added by Tons Of Fun   on 2005-06-01 13:59:03

This movie had no real creativity, as well as the "funny" parts of the movie did not show the capability of bill Murrays' acting. Also the dry type humor was not any good, for the

Re: What About Bob? (1991)
Added by Tons Of Fun   on 2005-06-01 14:00:58

people who came up with this movie should of went back to the drawing board...... This movie should be done again and recasted.

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