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The Man With Two Brains (1983)

Visitor Comments

Re: Man With Two Brains, The (1983)
Added by Anton Tongue (email) on 2004-02-23 19:33:26

Steve Martin is a gifted actor who happens to express himself best through comedy.

I don't think that Reiner is his best collaborator, perhaps they are both too silly.
Martin seems to be a very giving type of actor who goes along with the director or ensemble for the sake of the whole enterprise. With suitable people his taste is right and his touch is sure: for example, in Roxanne, Parenthood, and L.A. Story. Those three movies are much better thought out and scripted than TMWTB.

Even so, it seems to me that the TMWTB has an absolutely brilliant premise: A man falls in love with a woman's mind (not her body). Once you get that the roles make more structural sense. This is a movie that actually says something about love!

Some of the running gags are a little awry, especially the silly name which wasn't funny the first time and doesn't get any funnier.

At least the TMWTB doesn't get lost, as "The Jerk" did after the Bernadette Peters character started to loom large in the story.

I think that Martin and Reiner were both learning their craft in these early movies.

Re: Man With Two Brains, The (1983)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2004-03-16 18:10:39

I agree, both Martin and Reiner seemed to be experimenting with this. A lot of it isn't funny but it's like a car wreck -- you just have to watch it.

I do have to say that The Jerk is one of my favorite comedies, though. Silly, silly, funny, dumb, sometimes unfunny stuff.

Re: Man With Two Brains, The (1983)
Added by Jake   on 2005-08-05 23:09:20

Does nobody remember the Elevator Killer? That made me laugh harder than anything else, believe you me.

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