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G.I. Jane (1997)

Visitor Comments

Re: G.I. Jane (1997)
Added by Bill King (email, web) on 2003-05-16 02:09:57

You mention that the Navy SEALs are an elite American Army unit. Say what? The Navy SEALs are an Army unit? The Navy SEALs are part of the NAVY! You also mention that the SEAL training looks like an ad for the Marines. Say what? Again, the Navy SEALs are part of the NAVY!

Re: G.I. Jane (1997)
Added by sam (email) on 2004-10-31 02:42:27

Seriously. The other comment said it best, but the reviewer's eye-rolling comment of, "showing us exactly just how tough U.S. Navy Seal (an elite American army unit) training is. As if we didn�t know it already." is worth a laugh. Especially taht "As if we didn't know it already." Bub, considering the LACK of knowledge you have about the American Armed Forces, apparently you don't know SQUAT.

Just plain silly
Added by Fearless (email) on 2005-05-29 19:58:06

The review seems ignorant, unobservant, overly opinionated to the point of implying political agendas every which way, uninformed and just plain silly.
To the reviewer; name a few movies like it. If you say "Private Benjamin", drop and give me ten thousand. Then think about culture, machismo and sexism, and email me after a couple years of actual thought. Earn your dang paycheck. ;-)

just opinionated-excellent
Added by Phazonfreak (email) on 2006-05-13 19:03:33

"The review seems ignorant, unobservant, overly opinionated to the point of implying political agendas every which way, uninformed and just plain silly"

yeah, just like the movie!
Seriously, this review is just plain gorgeous, fully right and nothing but ignorant, unobservant and overly opinionated side blow to a film/director, that undermines even the lowest aspect of meditated film-making.
By the way, opinionated; What a ridiculous reproach to a review anyway, we're not talking about a synopsis here. It's the very sense of a review to be opinionated...The lack of knowledge about glorious military forces makes it even more great.

The movie is just polished shit with a run-up propaganda kick that feels like a bittersweet parody in the first place until you're realizing, that the film-god, that was responsible for such masterpieces like Alien and Blade Runner, really means it and has become a dangerous fool trying to sell military and war goodies to the people.

This review is just opinionated-excellent, keep it up!

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