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The Transporter (2002)

Visitor Comments

Re: Transporter, The (2002)
Added by Calvin (email) on 2003-05-01 06:18:34

The first 30 minutes of this movie was outstanding. The dialogue, the acting, everything. After that, it became a cheesy action film that took a horrible turn. The fights were so unecessary and ridiculous that the entire theatre, along with myself, were laughing. This is probably one of the funniest movies I have seen in the last couple of years. If you are looking for a comedy, I suggest this movie.

Re: Transporter, The (2002)
Added by Dude   on 2003-05-30 13:10:49

Have you even seen the movie? He transports stuff in a BMW not a Mercedes, he only steals a Mercedes at the end when his BMW blows up. Watch the movie first and then review it.

Re: Transporter, The (2002)
Added by John Ulmer (email, web) on 2003-06-21 00:04:05

Thanks for the comments; regarding the car, I guess it was a BMW. I suppose the movie was boring me so much I missed it. Sorry.

Re: Transporter, The (2002)
Added by Steve (email) on 2004-10-20 14:39:09

For the type of film this is....this is a great film. The 7 Series BMW chase scene was excellent and the fight scenes were good also. It is not suppose to be a serious film.. I loved it.

Re: Transporter, The (2002)
Added by james (email) on 2004-12-08 05:31:20

wot was the mercedes model in the transporter? did it have any tuning done to it.i thought it looked fantstic! pls email me bak with any responses il forget this webpage cheers! jm

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