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King Kong (2005)

Visitor Comments

Re: King Kong (2005)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2005-12-17 02:45:49

Yes, Jackson goes way overboard with the special effects (the scene with the people running from the dinos goes on far too long and the effects are terrible) but overall, the film was entertaining. The performances are quite good (especially Watts) and the CGI creation that is Kong is unbelievably great.


Re: King Kong (2005)
Added by adam   on 2006-01-05 20:52:01

This was, by far, the worst review I have ever read...ever.

tonight im going to pray that king kong not only ape-rapes you, but kills you the same way he disposed of those pesky t-rexes.


Re: King Kong (2005)
Added by Ben Samara   on 2006-01-05 21:52:18

Thank you for your intelligent, well thought out reply. Came back again soon!

Re: King Kong (2005)
Added by Jake   on 2006-01-23 23:49:20

I totally agree with you on this, Ben, although I actually liked the movie less. I was about to complain at length, but hey, that's what reviews are for.

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