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Jarhead (2005)

Visitor Comments

Jarhead -- an over rated, crass movie
Added by Jeremy Stone (email) on 2005-12-05 01:10:07

If Jarhead sought to accurately portray the United States Marine Corps and its soldiers, then God help America and its armed forces! While the movie managed to depict the boredom, frustrating tedium and the fear of troops waiting to go into action, and the ribald banter of soldiery, it painted the professionalism and discipline of �America�s finest� in an extremely poor light. The gung-ho, stereotypically macho style of leadership displayed by the Commanding Officer was pathetically crass�real soldiers would only follow such a buffoon out of extreme curiosity. The Staff Sergeant failed to maintain proper discipline and military decorum amongst the rank and file, and where were the junior officers�the Lieutenants and Captains? The worst scene of all was the platoon�s riotous celebration after the ceasefire was declared, when marines were permitted to negligently discharge their rifles into the air�akin to drunken cowboys, prancing around like a bunch of morons. Let�s hope that this movie�s character portrayal is just Hollywood fiction, otherwise President Bush and the American people have no chance of winning the hearts and minds of Iraqi citizens in the current day war, and the plan to train proficient Iraqi security forces to facilitate a dignified withdrawal of US and coalition forces will end in an embarrassingly dismal failure. Bah, humbug!

Re: Jarhead (2005)
Added by Ben Samara (web) on 2005-12-05 09:45:22

All I can say in that respect is that Jarhead was a memoir. It was Anthony Swofford's real-life experiences, however crass they may have been.

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