Re: Island, The (2005)
| Added by Jake on 2005-07-28 23:42:38 |
Don't forget 'Parts: the Clonus Horror,' from which this movie practically lifts all of the specifics of its premise, right down to the track suits. Apparently a hubbub is brewing about this, as there's more than enough to make the situation lawsuit-worthy. Check out for a rundown of this (and if you enjoy bad movies, check it out anyway).
Re: Island, The (2005)
| Added by Joe Rickey on 2005-07-28 23:53:13 |
I actually enjoyed this film very much. The action sequences are well-filmed (read: exciting) and the plot has more subtext than the usual Bay offering. Plus, the performance by McGregor is quite good and Johansson does well with what's she given. A much more fulfilling science fiction outing than 'War of the Worlds' and a film that I've already seen multiple times and wouldn't mind seeing again sometime in the future (pun partially intended).
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