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The Devil's Rejects (2005)

Visitor Comments

Re: Devil's Rejects, The (2005)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2005-07-25 01:53:48

I found this film to be only slightly better than the horrid piece of junk that was 'House of 1000 Corpses.'

Every single one of the characters, aside from the victims who aren't given more than a few minutes of screen time, there isn't a single character worth caring about. Hell, even the detective played by Forsythe becomes positively loony and not worth caring about as the film progresses.

As for Rob Zombie as a writer/director, he does indeed need to use a thesaurus as the screenplay is inundated with far too many uses of cuss words that it becomes redundant after a few minutes. He even goes as far as to overuse common words as more than once a character would say the same word twice in the same dialogue. His directing skills could also use some improving as he goes overboard on the freeze frame and slow-motion, not to mention the annoying shaky camera that I've always detested because you can't see a darn thing half the time.

The film's problems are compounded by poor attempts at low-brow humor (Having sex with chickens gets an entire scene and monologue).

Not worth seeing until perhaps video where it'll likely get released in an unrated cut. Even then, one would best be a die-hard horror fan or they are liable to be disgusted by the proceedings.

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