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Sin City (2005)

Visitor Comments

Re: Sin City (2005)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2005-04-03 17:04:37

I found the film to be entertaining, at least for the most part. It definitely had a style all its own and the acting was almost uniformly good (Loved Bruce Willis' performance the best though, and Alba and Bledel weren't bad either). The dialogue though is most assuredly an acquired taste and so is the film noir-like voice over narration (there really isn't much actual character to character dialogue if you think back).

However, the violence became almost too unrelenting at times that one becomes desensitized to the point that it no longer has any effect. "Oh great, another guy is about to get his testicles ripped out" or "The cannibal is about to get his comeuppance, doggie style."

Re: Sin City (2005)
Added by John   on 2005-04-05 06:33:02

Great review, I can't wait to see this because I'm a fan of Mickey Rourke and film noir. I also think the comic book element looks interesting. Just one thing - Frank Miller didn't make RoboCop 2, he wrote it, which just goes to show comic book artists don't have a clue how to write a film screenplay... that movie was pretty poor.

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