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White Noise (2005)

Visitor Comments

Re: White Noise (2005)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2005-01-09 16:28:42

In the end, White Noise is a case of there being too much plot for one film to handle. If it had been simplified to its base elements of him contacting his wife and an evil spirit slipping through and all hell breaking loose, the film could have been quite good. Instead, we are given a plot that becomes increasingly nonsensical until an entirely preposterous ending. What a crushing disappointment.

Re: White Noise (2005)
Added by John   on 2005-01-11 14:59:38

The UK ads seemed interesting for this film, showing nothing and relying on suspense. I've always been a fan of Michael Keaton but after reading this review and many others it seems he's chosen another dud to star in. At least it's made a dent in the box office and, financially, it won't be another failure for him. (Wasn't his last successful starring role in "Jackie Brown"?)

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