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The Aviator (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: The Aviator (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-12-28 15:31:30

In my opinion, it is DiCaprio who gives the strongest performance in the film. He expertly captures the many sides to Hughes' personality, deserving at least an Oscar nomination for his effort, if not a win in a year of underwhelming performances. Alda's character is rather one note and Reilly is too but they still give enjoyable performances. Baldwin also gives a notable supporting performance as Pan Am's Juan Tripp. I believe 'The Aviator' to be the frontrunner for Best Picture, especially if it can take home the Golden Globe equivalent. It is certainly deserving of the acclaim, buoyed by a spectacular cast and a skillful mix of spectacle and character-driven drama.

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