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Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-12-14 08:51:42

I frankly did not warm to this film. It was far too scattershot, lacking in tension, and darn right chaotic most of the time.

Re: Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Added by Sally Weinhart   on 2004-12-16 18:12:10

This movie was relaxing. Like the reviewer said, if you enjoyed the first film you will most likely enjoy this one. The actors acted with ease and you could tell they were just having fun, I think this was a big part of the film's success. I would give it a B!

Re: Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Added by jerry   on 2004-12-17 15:47:12

Honestly I felt ripped off. I felt like I payed seven dollars to see a bunch of buffoons goof off.

Re: Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Added by Sally   on 2004-12-20 23:24:13

I enjoyed the movie, if you felt liek you were ripped off, then you should've asked for your money back or at least just choose your movie choices more carefully.

Re: Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Added by Gemma   on 2004-12-21 00:23:06

Wow if there were a money-back guarantee for bad movies, the studios would go broke!!!:)

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