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Extreme Days (2001)

Visitor Comments

Re: Extreme Days (2001)
Added by John   on 2004-10-06 05:33:23

I don't know if you knew this but "Extreme Days" is actually a Christian film. It was made with a low budget and no-name actors. It was an attempt to lure "regular" teenaged audiences who like the "Xtreme" sports stuff, hence the use of P.O.D. soundtrack. It also, however, has songs from Christian artists like Tobymac (of DC Talk).

I don't think its purpose was to become a "great" movie by any means, just a good tool in churches used by youth groups, etc.

Out of all the Christian films I've seen, this is the best. It's not very good, but it's ten times better than "Left Behind," and it kept my interest.

I liked how it didn't try to hammer people over the head with its core message, instead Christianity is only really mentioned once, which is a smarter decision than some other films out there.

I also liked the "snake: the other other OTHER white meat" gag.

Re: Extreme Days (2001)
Added by Chris   on 2005-04-17 20:04:45

I could be completely incorrect but I don't think the movie was supposed to be good. It's sort of like the Christian "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" It is stupid humor. It is a Christian guy's movie

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