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Very Bad Things (1998)

Visitor Comments

Re: Very Bad Things (1998)
Added by carl langley   on 2004-08-18 05:21:00

Ugh I hated this movie with a passion. Too morbid for my blood.

Re: Very Bad Things (1998)
Added by Greg Ursic   on 2004-08-18 12:35:47

Great review. I remember when I went to the screening: the vast majority of the audience was moritfied. I still have a vivid memory of my friend, his face cupped in his hands mumbling "That's just wrong".

I laughed almost all the way through.

Re: Very Bad Things (1998)
Added by Jake   on 2004-08-23 02:33:37

I'm sad to say I couldn't stand this movie. If *I* ever killed a stripper, I'd like to hope I wouldn't pledge secrecy with my friends and then spend the rest of the time having loud arguments with them in public about the dead bodies we'd buried in the desert. Cameron Diaz was funny, though.

Re: Very Bad Things (1998)
Added by Nicolas (email) on 2005-07-03 00:10:36

I loved this Movie.... The humor was very subtile.... 5/5

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