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Alien vs. Predator (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by John   on 2004-08-13 17:36:29

What's particularly shameful about this project (and everything surrounding it) is how Fox really betrayed its fans. Even the new Collector's Edition DVD of PREDATOR is a marketing ploy (all the special features are available on a three-year-old R2 release, which was notorious when released in the UK for featuring poor supplemental material, particularly the boring commentary by McTiernan. The only "new features" are: a text commentary, a behind-the-scenes of AvP, and a trailer for the Quadrilogy DVD set...shameless promotion). The new PREDATOR DVD also comes with a free ticket to see AvP. No coincidence.

What really upset me about AvP was the PG-13 rating. It almost seems wrong to even think of rating an Alien/Predator movie PG-13. They did get away with a good deal of violence, but most of it isn't particularly convincing.

Did anyone like this? It'd be interesting to hear some other opinions out there.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Sean   on 2004-08-13 22:27:54

Wow what an ignorant review. Just because you didn't recognize the cast doesn't mean you can call them newcomers. Sanaa Lathan was fabulous in "Love and Basketball" and "Blade" . Ewan Bremner was in "Trainspotting" "Pearl Harbor" "Blackhawk Down" and lots of British film. Bova is like a huge Italian star (Under the Tuscan Sky).

This movie was a popcorn movie. Predator and Alien wasn't high art either. Deal with it.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-13 23:46:00

Say what you want, but I really enjoyed 'Alien Vs. Predator' for what it was: a grand example of a popcorn movie with solid acting by Lathan in the lead, better than expected special effects, and a whopper of an ending. 'AvP' was leagues better than the only modern comparable example, 'Freddy Vs. Jason.' Bring on more sequels and more individual films in the respective franchises.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Matt Brown   on 2004-08-13 23:55:23

I'm a huge fan of Ewen Bremner. Please note how he spells his name. He was fantastic in Julien Donkey Boy. He brings a vulnerability to every role so I'm sure this reviewer was just too blind in his hate-on for Anderson. Resident Evil has a huge following and, oh surprise, surprise! - it has a sequal coming too.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by John   on 2004-08-14 07:38:59

I am aware that these actors have been in other projects, and have given good performances in the past, but I thought they had little to work with here. They are newcomers to mainstream films for the most part, and Anderson chose them because of them.

I don't hate Anderson, either. It wasn't his fault they rated it PG-13, after all. (Fox made the decision.) I do think he has little talent as a director, though. He probably shouldn't have gotten out from behind his Nintendo. I couldn't stand Mortal Kombat.

I didn't think Resident Evil was very bad (in fact I enjoyed it as a "popcorn movie") but this was, for me, just a disappointment.

>>This movie was a popcorn movie. Predator and Alien wasn't high art either. Deal with it.

Actually I beg to differ. Alien was high art (Ridley Scott's direction was brilliant). Alien is a classic. And as a popcorn movie AvP is OK -- but I still don't think it's anything special.

I don't think it's as bad as the critics are saying it is, though. Many of them have been giving it 0.5/4 and 1/4 and even 0/4. It's not THAT bad.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Bill   on 2004-08-14 09:58:11

I've always felt the "Predator" franchise was overrated. The first one with Arnie was good, but the second was mediocre at best, and that entry came in 1992. This series has been dead for a long time, while the "Alien" series is still popular. There's talk of a fifth entry.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Harrison   on 2004-08-14 11:53:17

The special edition DVD of PREDATOR was a marketing ploy? I'm completely shocked that a studio would stoop to such tactics! Just because it was released in R2 doesn't negate its value to the R1 audience. And, guessing from what happened to KING ARTHUR, perhaps the DVD release of AvP will have all those scenes that clipped the PG-13 rating. who knows.

I enjoyed the movie. Wished it was longer and had more of a set-up but the effects were great and the fight scenes were nasty.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Darren Fogg   on 2004-08-15 03:58:41

Surprise, surprise. This review is terrible, I cannot believe he has reviewed most of your flims.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by John   on 2004-08-15 05:43:14

Yeah Darren, flims are good. Films are even better.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by jaz (email) on 2004-08-15 15:48:59

i love res evil and event horizon the direction was spot on..this is a great movie that fans of alien 1 and 2 and predator 1 will love its also pretty close the comic book adaption of avp, mr Anderson please remake alien three and keep up the good work there is life in this franchise yet.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Bill   on 2004-08-15 21:12:02

I'm a fan of "Alien," "Aliens" and "Predator," and I did not love this movie.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Eric   on 2004-08-17 17:26:44

When you've got a "versus" in a movie title you know it's going to be popcorn. I don't think you meant that Anderson took 14 years to make this movie. Misleading factoid. This reviewer takes himself too seriously!

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by John   on 2004-08-18 07:37:18

>>I don't think you meant that Anderson took 14 years to make this movie.

No, I didn't. But the concept has been around circa 1990.

As a popcorn movie I didn't think this even worked very well. It wasn't as entertaining as Freddy vs. Jason. Although I didn't have high expectations for that, and I did for this, so...

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Spinx (email) on 2004-08-25 14:19:29

Ok, Ive never posted any comments on here before, but...I am a film maker from the Uk who is all about the Alien and Predator franchises. Jeez man, stop calling Alien high art-what the freak are you on about? It was intended to cash in on the success of of Mr Lucas' Wars, and be the scary alternative. It was written as trash and Scott, along with all his talented "artists" made it look real pretty. isnt that what Anderson did?? Look its all B-Movie people, all of it. Tastes good though if you have the right ingrediants.

Consider -Art is only art because we make it art, and movies are movies because we want them to be movies. Treat a movie as art and thats what it'll be.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Gizmola   on 2004-09-21 18:47:08

I don't think so. Ridley Scott was coming off having made The Duelists, which was a lavish period piece that got good reviews, although it hadn't done well at the box office. The writers of Alien were young Indie guys who had made Dark Star as a college film project.

Simply look at the studio involved, the budget, the cast of mostly veteran actors, the special effects work, and the designer (H.R. Giger) and it's easy enough to see that your assessment of the film as a B movie is just plain wrong.

Alien was ground breaking in any number of ways, and it's careful construction as a haunted house in space gave us one of the most memorable monsters in movie history, because the writers employed psychology and designed their creature using people's most profound fears.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Ben Henderson (email) on 2004-09-29 17:13:35

I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It was odd that it was rated pg-13, but there wasn't as much aliens bursting out of peoples chests and stuff like that happening so I think that's why they rated it a little lower. The set designs are magnificent. This film isn't a horror but an action film based on a horror series which may also account for lower rating. I like the films of Paul W.S. Anderson and this is another worthy addition to his resume.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by Spinx   on 2004-10-12 04:19:01

Im not saying Alien is a B in the sense of it is a second rate movie. All Im saying is that it is nothing more than an elaborate B-Movie. And only elaborate in the sense of direction and production design. Scott was a genius at putting the right people in their place back then - Giger was a key man. The writer O'Bannon's script was a total rip-off of 1952's "The Thing From Another World". And it wasnt even his script that made it to the screen - the producers invented the character of Ash for gods sake! This movie was never initially intended to be how it ended up - not many movies really ever are. Do your research and stop reading corn-ball movie magazines:)

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by John   on 2004-10-29 12:02:52

Spinx is somewhat right about the original ALIEN being a B-movie rip-off, just watch the bonus features on the new DVD. Then again Spinx is wrong about a number of things that Gizmola corrected, too. Ridley Scott came to ALIEN with a set of new ideas and the script was cleaned up. They set about to make a good movie and did so.

But I never called ALIEN high art. What I said is that whether or not it was a B-movie, it succeeded brilliantly and is now a CLASSIC, not an arthouse movie. AvP is not, and never will be, a classic, because it is poorly constructed. I'm one of the few who think PREDATOR is an underrated horror masterpiece (albeit a B-movie-style slasher). It's not art but it's a great deal better than AvP, which is just a poor popcorn "flick" instead of a great one.

Re: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Added by ASpinx (email) on 2004-11-05 18:09:55

"I aint got time to bleed"

-Fuckin A dude - predator is the bomb!! Listen I aint no Alien basher - Ive just been through to much research to hear views being thrown around about that beuty - My point: it doesn't even need to be "art" to be a classic - this is what im getting at; its about the directors you see - its not that Scott was an "artist" - no; it's that Anderson was shit. Right? Anyone understand the voice of reason? Finance sometimes hands the fat cash to the WRONG people. my views on P. Anderson? He's a geek like the rest of us; that for some reason claims he can direct movies - we can all fantasise about what Alien vs Predator would be like - and his vision stank of lamass shit. Praise Scott for his talent - Anderson is a leech with no sucktion. You listenin' sucko?

knowone knows
Added by anthony   on 2004-12-05 17:58:16

This poster forgot to post a comment...

what the hell
Added by tony   on 2004-12-05 18:05:05

dude what happened to gothic dark horror the kind of movie you leave because of what hell the crew is going through? I saw this in Alien, Aliens, and predator but nothing else. what happened to actors that make you feel bad for them just by looking at there sweaty, bloody, muddy faces. if avp would have been in space in a dark misty alien slimy gross horrific space colony with a few men making a stand for there lives against the horrific beasts from their nightmares. thats the kinda movie i would want to see.

Added by in da boom butthole   on 2005-03-22 10:27:22

Im an huge fan of both franchises. all avp was for was to give fox an cash boost because of all the shit they've created in the past few years. Why P.Anderson, im from the uk and if i ever see him i shall and will cut of his ball sack and stamp on his wind pipe, fox shouldve of wasted their money on bringin back STAN WILSON who was in the production line of all the alien movies and the first predator movie he couldve turned the film into a major blockbuster! the only reason why sig weaver didnt join in was because she thought the idea was a crock of sht and gad enough of alien by the time ressurection had finished bein film. and how in gods mother fuckin name can u turn 2 franchises wit R rated/18 to a movie for young teenage boys who have no concept on the whole subject of alien and predator. personally i hope fox becomes bankrupt then i can laugh at them. they shouldve also bought back ridley scott too cuz hes a fuckin legend in making awesome movies. also y make a film that short wit compl icated story lines? which actually have no link to either series because if charles b weyland died in 2004 in avp he wouldnt be able to try and tell ripley not to jump in alien 3 which was set a couple of hundred years after 2004!
there shouldve been a shit load more violence/gore in this film for the kids.

Added by in da boom butthole   on 2005-03-22 10:48:35

proof of my theory of the death of charles weyland can be found on the website

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