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Open Water (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: Open Water (2004)
Added by Joe Rickey   on 2004-08-22 14:49:34

'Open Water' is boring with a capital "B." I couldn't have cared less about the two obnoxious protagonists. I wanted the sharks to eat them just so the laborious excuse for a movie would end. The film is also shoddily filmed with the pre-water scenes grainy and unfocused. The acting too is atrocious. The two main characters were portrayed as whiny, ungrateful morons. Ugh, what an awful film!

Re: Open Water (2004)
Added by Wallace Peace (email) on 2004-08-29 01:56:13

So often in horror movies today, the technique is to "gross out" the audience with gore. ala Freddie. This movie is the exception. It uses the story alone to keep the audience on the edge of its collective seat from the moment the scuba diving couple realizes that they will have to survive for a long time on their own abaandoned in a hostile ocean, before the inevitable helicopter/boat rescue occurs. But until that comes they are in danger and fearful and we are fearful with them. This is, simply, a great film for 50's Horror Movie Buffs. It is a must see.

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