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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Visitor Comments

This Is My Desert Island Movie.
Added by Judy (email, web) on 2005-04-30 00:50:58

One of the few greatest ensemble casts ever brought together for a film. I had read the book first, and I was already a Nicholson fan, so I knew I had to see this one! And it lived up to my high expectations and then some. Of course, Nicholson is the engine that drives this train -- a train of broken mental patients housed in one of those great old psychiatric hospitals (I thik this was filmed in Oregon or Washington State); The way the principals react to Mr. McMurphy is the core of the film; they come to love him. And McMurphy (Nicholson) begins to lose some of his hard shell and gains some maturity and even empathy for these poor souls locked in this enormous crazy house. The power struggle between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched is beautifully acted. All the ensemble players were fantastic. I was especially impresded by Brad Dourif and could never figure out why his acting career didn't explode after Cuckoo's Nest. The fishing trip is a real hoot - I laughed myself silly. So is the party scene in the big open ward in the hospital. One of the best moments is when Randle offers Chief Bromden a piece of gum, and Chief says "thank you" - and he supposedly hasn't spoken in 20 years. For a too-brief time, McMurphy brings these people back to life -- or at least out of their state of suspended animation - including Nurse Ratched. And the most touching moment,, when ole Randle comes back from his lobotomy pretty much in a coma, never to bother Nurse Ratched -- or anyone else -- again, except for the Chief, who goes over to check on Randle when he comes back from his psychosurgery, sees the condition he's in, and.... well I won't spoil the ending for those of you who haven't seen it yet. But please, go out and rent, borrow or buy this movie. Hard to believe, I know, that a 30-year-old movie can be this great --- but it really really is. In fact I envy anyone who is seeing it for the first time. SEE THIS MOVIE!

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