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King Arthur (2004)

Visitor Comments

Re: King Arthur (2004)
Added by Joseph Kastner (email, web) on 2004-07-07 22:32:29

I expected this to be a lot better but came away a bit disappointed. The review I wrote up touches on several things you noted as well, including the edited action sequences, which hurt the film severely in my opinion.

3.5 out of 5

Re: King Arthur (2004)
Added by James   on 2004-07-08 07:04:28

Why still bother with filming this story when the ultimate film on the topic, namely "Excalibur" has already been made?

Re: King Arthur (2004)
Added by jaz (email) on 2004-08-15 15:56:08

i was expecting a large pile of shite after all the negative reviews,i hated the fact there was no magic in this movie or good acting but i would still give 3.5 out of 5 because its the spaghetti western version of king arthur and i enjoyed it for that.

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