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Vampire Junction (2001)

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Re: Vampire Junction (2001)
Added by Jake Cremins   on 2004-08-12 20:23:55

I don't know what it is about Jess Franco--it's almost some kind of incredible talent, to be able to make so many movies (we're talking hundreds here) and have them all be so stupefyingly boring, no matter how much violence and sex they contain. I was sitting there watching 'Jack the Ripper' once, and found myself yawning uncontrollably during a very graphic scene in which good old Jack took it upon himself to saw off a prostitute's breasts. I mean, how could I possibly have been yawning? Shouldn't I at least have been disgusted, or uncomfortable? No, I was bored out of my mind.

It's kind of amazing how he manages to do this; I imagine that in Bizarro World, this has won him many a Best Director Oscar.

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