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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

Visitor Comments

Re: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Added by Jack Haven (email) on 2004-08-08 04:58:49

Well, from experience, don't watch this movie when using drugs yourself. It tends to produce a very terrible trip. I am one of the die-hard fans, you mentioned by the way. What I really wanted to do was correct this review, you said he was doing cocaine while in the policeman's conference. But actually, he appeared to be doing amyls(also called snappers in the drug community), which are speed as well, not much different from cocaine.

Re: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Added by John Ulmer   on 2004-08-10 07:38:04

There are so many drugs in this movie it's hard to keep track.

I found it interesting that Terry Gilliam claims to have never used any drugs (or so I hear) yet he helms a movie entirely about them.

Although I do understand that it's also a political message, the people such as Depp who say "it's not about drugs" are, in my opinion, wrong. It is about drugs even if the message is political.

I love the quote, "We were in the middle of a f*cking reptile zoo, and someone was giving BOOZE to these g*d*am* creatures!"

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