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Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

Visitor Comments

Great Film, Good Review, Lousy Website
Added by mike weber (email) on 2005-06-10 09:16:08

I will never return to your website, since it disabled my browser's "Back" button

Added by David   on 2005-06-10 14:05:42

We don't have any code in our site that attempts to disable any of the browser buttons. We do have some 3rd party popup or popunder ads, but the use of Firefox or any of the popular IE toolbars like Googlebar can easily block those ads. I don't think that any of the ads would attempt to do anything like that, as they all popup in their own window, and come from a large well known ad serving network, that wouldn't allow ads to be served that did the type of thing you're talking about. I'm sorry your experience here lead you to believe we would do something of that nature, but I can assure you we don't.

Not that this happened to you, but if for some reason you came to us via a link from another site that opened MG in a new window, and you didn't realize this occurred, it might seem like the back button had been disabled, when in fact, you were simply in a new browser instance, which has no back button (because there were no previous pages to go back to.

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